a woman working on her desk in front of a computer with a black lampshade beside it

10 Game-Changing Habits of Highly Productive People

by | Jul 18, 2024 | 0 comments

When we think about the best version of ourselves, one of the qualities we envision is being highly productive. Productivity is crucial, and it requires clear goals, prioritization, and effective time management. However, the foundation of high productivity starts with building good habits. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten game-changing habits of highly productive people. By the end, you’ll discover the habits you need to adopt to unleash your full potential.

Understanding productivity and its importance

Productivity is essential for success in both professional and personal spheres. It measures how efficiently we utilize our time to produce results. Although time is finite, controlling our activities within it maximizes our output. Enhancing productivity improves performance and helps achieve goals more effectively.

Productivity is vital for professional advancement and personal satisfaction. In the workplace, high productivity can lead to career opportunities or enhance business profitability. Efficient task completion leads to better time management, which boosts overall efficiency—allowing you to accomplish more in less time. On a personal level, being more productive frees up time for hobbies, family, and self-care, enhancing your work-life balance.

Habit #1: Setting clear goals and priorities

Highly productive people understand the power of setting clear goals. This habit provides direction and helps prioritize efforts. Start by defining what you want to achieve across different life aspects: career, relationships, health, personal growth, and hobbies. Use the SMART goals framework to ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, transform a general goal like “I want to be healthier” into a SMART goal: “I will exercise for 30 minutes five days a week and incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet to lose 10 pounds in the next three months.”

Setting specific goals will allow you to have a clear roadmap to follow and a sense of progress as you work towards achieving them. Before I developed the habit of goal setting, it used to be something I was afraid of. While I like to consider myself a disciplined go-getter and someone who is always keeping track of things, when it comes to setting my own goals and holding myself accountable towards them, I used to get afraid. Looking back, I think I was really afraid of those days when it seemed like I was not making progress but I realized that that is all a part of the journey. Now, I see setting and tracking goals as the way to show up for myself and hold myself accountable for my progress. Setting and tracking goals allow you to be more intentional towards your development whether it be for your business or your personal life.

habits of highly productive people

Habit #2: Time management techniques

Effective time management is a cornerstone habit of highly productive people. Developing a strategy to manage your time helps minimize overwhelm and maximizes daily achievements. Let’s look at two favorite time management techniques:

  • **Time Blocking:** Divide your day into different time slots and then dedicate a specific activity or task. Using this method takes your to-do list an additional step further by assigning a specific time frame to each task, which makes your daily schedule more structured and organized. With a structured and organized schedule, you’re able to easily action which helps you maintain a steady workflow that can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
  • **Pomodoro Technique:** To master the Pomodoro technique, start by dividing your work into 25-minute intervals, each with a short break. After about three to four rounds of 25-minute intervals, you take a longer break. This versatile technique can be applied to various tasks, whether they are short or require more time. It ensures regular breaks, helping you maintain stamina and accomplish longer tasks effectively. By using this technique, you can strike a balance between productivity and relaxation.

Habit #3: Creating a productive workspace

A conducive work environment is critical. Highly productive people thrive in spaces that are organized, well-lit, clutter-free, and equipped with the necessary tools. Tailor your workspace to fit your working style and productivity goals. To have an effective and productive workspace it’s important to make sure your workspace is:

  • Organized and clutter-free
  • Well-lit and comfortable
  • Equipped with the necessary tools and technology
  • Free from distractions

Ultimately, your workspace should be personalized to suit your working style and support your productivity goals.

Habit #4: Effective communication and delegation

Productivity isn’t just about personal management; it’s also about interacting efficiently with others. Establish clear communication goals and maintain consistency to ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Foster an environment where collaborative feedback is valued. To be able to communicate effectively, you must be:

  • Intentional: Establish clear goals and expectations. Any communication whether formal or informal should be intentional and allow everyone to walk away with a solid understanding.
  • Consistent: Consistency helps drive the tempo of your work and collaboration. While things may continuously change and fluctuate, establishing a cadence where you can check in and summarize what’s going on is essential.
  • Collaborative: Create spaces for feedback and discussion. From working with clients, and coworkers, and leading teams, collaboration nurtures new ideas, opportunities, and improvements to existing systems.

How you communicate is going to continue to evolve. As you continue to work on building better communication habits, you will start to better understand what will be the most effective for you to reach your goals.

Habit #5: Continuous learning and personal development

Highly productive people never stop learning. They continuously seek opportunities to grow personally and professionally. Embrace a variety of learning formats—books, online courses, webinars, and even mentorships—to enhance your knowledge and skills. Set specific learning goals related to your career or personal interests to maintain your path to continuous improvement.

There are many different ways that you can learn new things. You can learn through books, apps, courses, or even coaches that are tailored to what it is that you are interested in learning. To continue to develop yourself personally, consider habit tracking or doing different challenges that will enable you to build better habits or can help you start to work towards being the best person you can be. Learning doesn’t have to stop just because you’re out of a classroom. Get curious and continue to find areas to grow.

habits of highly productive people

Habit #6: Regular exercise and practicing self-care

Regular physical activity and self-care are crucial habits of highly productive people. These practices improve both physical and mental health, which is essential for maintaining high productivity levels. Incorporate activities like yoga, meditation, or quick workouts into your daily routine to energize your body and clear your mind, ensuring you’re always at peak performance.

Self-care can take many forms, depending on our individual preferences and needs. It can involve engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation, such as practicing mindfulness, exercising, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies and interests. I’ve found that regularly doing yoga has been an amazing benefit for both my mental and physical health. Self-care can also include setting boundaries, saying no to excessive commitments, and prioritizing rest.

When we prioritize ourselves and make self-care a non-negotiable part of our lives, we not only benefit individually, but we also set a positive example for those around us. By prioritizing self-care, we encourage others to do the same and create a culture of well-being and balance.

Habit #7: Breaking tasks into manageable chunks

Highly productive people know that large, daunting tasks can hinder productivity. They practice breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks to prevent procrastination and boost efficiency. This method not only makes tasks seem less intimidating but also provides frequent moments of accomplishment that encourage continued progress.

If the reason why you’re procrastinating is because you’re feeling overwhelmed, then breaking your tasks down into large chunks is going to be a great strategy for you. When you see a large task on your to-do list, ask yourself, “What is the smallest thing that I can get done that will move the needle?” and keep working from there. Your larger tasks on your to-do list are usually things that realistically you could not do within one sitting, so remove the thought of that by starting as small as you possibly can. Breaking down large tasks allows you to stay focused longer because you’re only focused on one little piece at a time thereby reducing the feeling of being overwhelmed.

One of the things that I’ve found to help me break down tasks into manageable chunks is the 12-week-year strategy. By breaking down my goals into 12-week cycles, I find myself more focused and have a better handle on prioritizing what needs to be done. Breaking down long-term objectives into smaller, actionable tasks allows for better focus and increased accountability.

Habit #8: Being organized and staying focused

Organization is a hallmark of highly productive people. An organized workspace and a structured schedule help maintain focus and reduce the cognitive load associated with clutter and chaos. Utilize organization tools like digital calendars, task managers, and physical filing systems to keep your physical and digital spaces tidy.

Additionally, whether you’re an entrepreneur, a working professional, or both, chances are you’re juggling multiple things at the same time. I know for me, I’m balancing having a 9-5 job, and my business, while also trying to maintain an active social life. By being organized, I’m able to better manage my time which means that I can flow into different aspects of my life with ease and be fully present. When you’re organized, it makes doing the things that you need to get done a lot easier which will allow you to accomplish your to-do lists by being fully present and energized throughout the day.

Habit #9: Seeking feedback and self-reflection

Highly productive people actively seek feedback and regularly engage in self-reflection. This habit helps them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Schedule regular check-ins with peers, mentors, or supervisors to gain constructive feedback, and set aside time for personal reflection to assess your own progress and adjust your strategies as necessary.

I recommend you take a look at these areas: physical & mental health, relationships, spirituality, and your career. In each of these areas ask yourself:

  • How would you rank where you currently are (on a scale of 1-10)?
  • Why do you feel like you are at that level?
  • What are some things that you could do that would help you improve?

Reflect on your answers and pinpoint the areas where you feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled. Once you have identified these areas, you can begin to take action to make positive changes. Remember, this assessment is about self-reflection and not about self-judgment. Be kind to yourself throughout this process, as it’s essential for personal growth and improvement.

habits of highly productive people and productivity tips and hacks

Habit #10: Practicing work-life balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for long-term productivity. Highly productive people prioritize their time wisely, ensuring they balance professional obligations with personal hobbies and relationships. They understand that to be sustainably productive, they must also enjoy downtime and nurture their personal lives.

Having a healthy balance between your work and your personal life can make you more productive. When you have time to engage in activities outside of work, you are more likely to feel refreshed and energized when you return to work. For example, last month, I had taken 2 weeks off of my job as a software engineer and one week off of my business. Now, I feel more ready and excited to work in both areas in a way that I truly wasn’t before. When you’re able to set boundaries and properly manage your time, you can refill your mind and your soul in ways that you may have not possible.


By integrating these ten habits of highly productive people into your daily life, you’ll enhance your ability to manage tasks efficiently and achieve your goals more effectively. These habits will not only increase your productivity but also improve your overall well-being. If you’re ready to transform your approach to productivity, consider using tools like my Goals and Habits Tracker Notion Template to keep track of your progress and stay committed to your personal and professional growth.

Hi, I’m Ademusoyo!

Productivity Strategist and Notion Consultant ready to help ambitious, multi-faceted women get more time, energy and life out of each day.

Let’s work together!

You’re allowed to have ease while you’re on your grind. I’m here to help you have that.

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