3 New Notion Features and How to Use Them

3 New Notion Features and How to Use Them

Anytime I think that Notion can't help me be any more productive, Notion adds some new features that can help level up my productivity. If you're unfamiliar with Notion, Notion is an all-in-one productivity tool that can help you manage your tasks, keep track of your...

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4 Reasons Why You’re Not Accomplishing Any Task

4 Reasons Why You’re Not Accomplishing Any Task

Are you constantly struggling to complete your tasks and wondering why nothing seems to get done? Do you feel as if the goals that you are trying to reach seem to be further and further away? If so, you're not alone. Oftentimes we find ourselves in a perpetual state...

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7 Essential Self-Care Tips for Women this Holiday Season

7 Essential Self-Care Tips for Women this Holiday Season

During the holiday season, our schedules tend to fill up quickly with various activities and obligations. Although we may aim to unwind and take a break, it is often the case that there are still many tasks and responsibilities that require our attention. I find that...

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9 Simple Tips to Organize Your Life and Beat Stress

9 Simple Tips to Organize Your Life and Beat Stress

I love being organized. My friends always joke about how organized I always am. If I went through my entire organization strategy, you may think “Wow, this is a lot” and you would honestly be right. Having said that, my organizational strategies have helped me to...

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