Hello Beautiful People! Happy November. It seems weird that we’re still having warm days in November. However, I love seeing the colors of the leaves change as we enter this new season. I also can’t believe that we have two months left of the year! It’s wild. Part of me feels like the year really flew by, while the other part of me feels like I’m crawling to the finish line. Curious to see what I’ve been up to in this October 2024 recap? Keep reading.
Personal Update: Slowing down and relinquishing control
One of the things that I’ve been really working on in the past month is letting go of control. In this month, I’ve had about three different threads of things going on in my personal life. And while I had this “great” plan in my head of how I thought things were going to go. That has proven to not the case. And some of these things that haven’t gone according to plan, have also been pretty costly as well. What’s been really helping me is jotting down what fears and anxieties that have been coming up. I’ve found that getting things out of my head and on to paper have stopped the thoughts from swirling around and released those fears around me. Now, that isn’t to say that some of those thoughts don’t keep swirling back. But I feel like I have gotten a better handle of managing those thoughts and not letting them takeover my life.
Another thing that I’ve been doing through the month of October is taking proactive steps to preserve my future options and invest in my reproductive health. It’s a deeply personal decision, but one that feels empowering and aligned with my long-term goals. As I’ve been going through these steps, it has served as another reminder that I am not always in control. And that I can only just trust that everything is going to go well. I feel good and proud of the decisions I’ve made. And I know that the future me will be very glad that I made those decisions.

October also brought some really fun and amazing things as well! I went to a wedding for one of my college friends and book club members and I also got to meet my nephew for the first time! I also reached my reading goal for 2024 (48 books)! This month was filled with tons of joy and also moments of reflection. It helped me see what it is that I want for myself now and for the future.
Business Update: Prepping for 2025
I saw this tweet where this woman said her therapist told her that the first calendar year after going through something really traumatic is a gap year. It’s not a time that should be focused on growing or achieving, but a year to nurture, survive, and just get through. That’s how I feel like this year has been for me. I said back in July that in August I felt like I was finally ready to tackle 2024 which is so wild to even say out loud when the year was more than halfway over. However that’s truly how I felt. Last year was such a tough year for me that I really needed this year to be a year to just reset, recover and rebuild. And while I found spaces and pockets to be able to do that in other areas of my life, I didn’t really quite put together how I was going to do that in my business.
Transparently, I felt that my business life wasn’t being properly tended to and I wasn’t really sure I how I wanted to tend to it. For the month of November, I want to spend time putting together my plan for 2025. For me that includes figuring out what projects and ideas I want to implement in 2025. What I plan on automating or getting ahead of, and what goals I have surrounding it. I want to make sure that the things I’m doing are the the things that continue to give me joy. And also able to grow and flourish me in the way that I know they could.
Work Update: I hit my 1 year Anniversary

At the end of October, I hit my 1 year anniversary at my current job. It has been such an amazing year. I’ve learned a lot. I get to work with really smart and kind people. And I truly have a good handle of work life balance. Finding a place where I can truly thrive in my career as a software engineer isn’t something I thought I would ever be able to get to. I’ve spent so much of my career trying to prove myself and my abilities to managers and my peers and have shed so many tears as a result. Now, I can look at work with a sense of ease that I never had before. There’s so much ease in having great people in your corner who are rooting for you and remind you that you belong. I’m excited to see how my career continues to grow here.
As we move into November, I’m filled with a mix of emotions – gratitude for the experiences of the past month, anticipation for what’s to come, and a renewed sense of purpose. I’m looking forward to embracing the cozy autumn days ahead and continuing to work on my personal and professional growth. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. I’d love to hear about your October experiences and what you’re looking forward to in November. Reach out to me on Instagram or TikTok to tell me about them!