Hello, Beautiful People! Wow, I think it is fair to say that we are officially really into 2024. My indicator is that I have finally stopped writing 2023 at the end of my dates and now that winter is slowly coming to an end, I feel like I can see that things are starting to take off and grow. Curious about what I’ve been up to in February? Keep reading to find out in this February 2024 recap.
Celebrating Life

February was my birthday month! This year I celebrated my birthday probably more than I have in years past. I was fortunate this year to combine all of the things that I love (travel, family, and friends) all within two weeks. I will be completely honest and say that this was easily the most costly Birthday that I’ve had, but after the year that I had last year, I truly needed to celebrate to the fullest and be surrounded by the people who love me all that time.
This was a big milestone birthday for me in so many different ways. At the end of my birthday last year, I wrote a letter to myself to open this year and it was so eye-opening to see that while things that I wanted to happen didn’t happen the way that I thought, the way that I wanted to feel still ended up happening. The letter I wrote to myself gave me the words of encouragement and serenity to take on this new year of life fearlessly and boldly but with the comfort of knowing that I’ve done some great things that will only continue from here.
Constantly Playing Catch-Up
Despite all the fun and excitement that happened this month, I felt really out of wack when it came to my routines. I feel like I entered a good flow state in terms of fitness and work, however, I fell shorter when it came to my hobbies and content creation. Right now, I’m trying to get back into the swing of everything, and that starts with making small, tiny changes that can help me continue to grow in the areas that I said I wanted to grow in this year.
I’m still learning to give myself grace and be kinder to myself when things aren’t going the way that I would like. I’m also learning that life is always going to have interruptions and I need to find ways to establish some sort of balance through it all. I’m not sure what balance looks like exactly, but I do know that it’s going to be a journey that won’t be fixed just after one day.
Looking Forward
Looking into March, I can honestly say that I’m feeling way more hopeful. My main focus this year is to actively work on being less overwhelmed, complaining less, and taking each day as it is. I know that there are goals and places that I want to reach, but I also know that those things take time and I need to enjoy the journey. I don’t know what March has in store but I am excited about it.