Thinking of planning your next trip? Check out these 5 things to do when you visit a new city. traveling tips, solo travel tips, solo traveling, solo trips, tips on traveling, tip for traveling, tips about traveling, visiting a new city

5 Interesting Activities to Do When You Visit a New City

by | May 10, 2020 | 0 comments

I have two moods when I visit a new city or go on vacation at the same time.  Make a “guide” for me or just go with the flow. Both of these things have the potential to yield the same result enjoying the trip and the time spent in a new city but I’ve figured out which trips leave me filling fulfilled and that I truly got to experience the city.

While I may do more or less depending on the length of stay in a particular place, doing/experiencing these things helps me get a good gauge of how much or how little I like a place. Here are my tips on things to do when you visit a new city.

Go get breakfast

Breakfast is universal everywhere you go and a great way to start the day. When I visit a new city outside of the United States, I get a piece of understanding of the culture through food. Also starting your day with breakfast (especially outside of your accommodation) can really start your day and help you make the most of your day.

Thinking of planning your next trip? Here are 5 things to do when you visit a new city. traveling tips, solo travel tips, solo traveling, solo trips, tips on traveling, tip for traveling, tips about traveling

As you visit a new city, do something related to nature

Watch a sunset, go to the beach, or go on a hike. Any or all of these things will give you a sense of calmness, and relaxation and provide you with a time of reflection as you enjoy things that are (for the most part) undisturbed by humans.

Tips on traveling, tip for traveling, tips about traveling, visiting a new city, traveling tips, solo travel tips, solo traveling, solo trips

Visit something touristy

If you’re the type of person who hates being the touristy type, consider doing one thing that is touristy. When talking about your travels with other people, mentioning a well-known spot makes it easy for people to connect with you. Additionally, touristy spots are touristy spots for a REASON. Take the time and appreciate one of the most visited spots in the new city you are visiting.

Traveling tips, solo travel tips, solo traveling, solo trips, tips on traveling, tip for traveling, tips about traveling, visit a new city, visiting a new city

Do something interactive

Take a cooking class, a dance class, or go on a walking tour! Doing something that allows you to interact with the experience can really elevate your experience when you visit a new city and will bring fun memories you can look back on forever.

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When you visit a new city, do something that teaches you something

Going to a museum or an art gallery can really help you understand more of the culture and history of the area that you’re in. I love museums especially because they tell a story and you walk away with so much more information than you ever thought possible. This can also be done in conjunction with something interactive or something touristy!

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If I can do at least one thing in each of these different categories, I know I’ve had a good and well-balanced trip. Hope this guide helps you plan your next trip. Be on the lookout for future blog posts detailing my different travels. Be sure to check out this post about solo traveling as a woman.

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