Hello, beautiful people! I hope you have reached the last month of 2023! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for this year to be over! While November is not usually my favorite month (daylight savings throws me off), I felt like this month provided a new perspective and a new burst of energy to close out 2023. Here’s what’s been going on in this November recap!
November recap: Trying to Figure it all Out
Now that I’m back to working again, I’m still trying to figure out a new routine and a new schedule. I enjoy my new team, however it’s a big learning curve from what I’m used to. I’m trying to make sure I don’t let imposter syndrome get the best of me, but I also want to start to wrap my head around everything as soon as I can so I can stop feeling so lost.
I’m also trying to make sure I have a good work-life balance and continue to keep up with the same hobbies and routines that I was doing before I started working. To be fully transparent, this is probably the area that I’ve fallen the shortest in, however, I’m giving myself grace. I know that eventually, I’ll get into a flow state where all of the things will flow together.

One of the biggest highlights of November was going back to Texas to see my family! The slowness of the suburbs was restorative and reflective after being in New York for the past 5 months. I read a lot, went on a bunch of books, and just enjoyed being my parent’s child instead of adulting.
Staying Active
To combat seasonal depression, I’ve been staying active and working out as much as possible! A year ago, I would’ve said I had a love-hate relationship with working out, however, now I can say it’s just love! Every day I feel grateful that I can move my body and during this year staying active was one of the only things that kept me sane. I think I’ve found a good workout split that I enjoy and I’m excited to keep up with it and see how much stronger I can get.
Re-sparking my Creativity?
As I reconfigure all of the different aspects of my life, one of the things that I’m also reconfiguring is my creativity. I enjoy creating content but somewhere along the way creating started to not be fun anymore. One of the things I’m doing to reignite my creativity is doing a 30-Day writing challenge and a 30-Day TikTok challenge. I don’t know what is going to result in this challenge but I’m enjoying the process of letting ideas flow and having more fun creating content!
As the year comes to a close, I’m prioritizing reflecting on this year and making sure that I have solidified my routines and habits that I can carry into the new year.