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How to Track Social Media Marketing KPIs and Goals

How to Track Social Media Marketing KPIs and Goals

We all know that content is king, but few realize that data is queen. If you want to hit the goals for your business, you have to start tracking. Keeping track of those goals will allow you to set a vision for your business and help you zero in on your focus on the...

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How To Make A Social Media Content Calendar Using Notion

How To Make A Social Media Content Calendar Using Notion

In order to create content consistently, you need to have a content strategy as well as an organizational strategy. Otherwise, you're just gonna burn yourself to the ground.  A good organizational system will make your content creation process a lot smoother than...

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How I Manage My Business From Home While Working Full Time

How I Manage My Business From Home While Working Full Time

In addition to running my Content Marketing Agency, I also have a full-time job as a Software Engineer. Although managing a business and working a full-time job can feel really daunting, I have found a few hacks that allow me to seamlessly run and manage my business...

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Best Time Management Strategies For The Holiday Season

Best Time Management Strategies For The Holiday Season

It’s the holiday season and your time can feel stretched thin amongst the demands throughout this season. In order to fully maximize this season, it’s essential to juggle your personal and work demands effectively, whilst still being graceful to yourself. Although it...

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How To Prepare Your Business for the Holidays

How To Prepare Your Business for the Holidays

Are you ready for the holidays? Next question, is your business ready for the holidays? Depending on the nature of your business, the holiday season may be the perfect time to unwind, plan, and organize for the coming year. If you’re wondering how you can prepare your...

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