September 2023 Recap: The Art of Letting Go

by | Oct 8, 2023 | 0 comments

Hello Beautiful people! We are nearing the last leg of 2023! If you haven’t read my last update, I encourage you to read it. It will really help you understand how I felt for the month of September which is all about the art of letting go. Let’s dive into last month!

The Art of Letting Go

While at the end of August, I was feeling really down and disappointed, I began September on such a high note! I got to stand beside one of my best friends as she married the love of her life and she was such a beauty!!

Seeing her married the love of her life and entering a new season of her life was such a joy! As I’ve said before in previous blog posts, I love to watch my friends complete different milestones! To be a part of the journey means so much more and I felt honored to stand beside them on their big day!

That being said, I had to deal with a lot personally. I thought that by the date of their wedding, I would be in such a different place and have more clarity surrounding what was next in terms of where my life was headed. When I look back on this year, I feel like nothing was really on my terms. Even things that I knew had to come to an end didn’t happen the way I thought and it really broke me. I really had to dig deep and understand that sometimes things happen unexpectedly because you needed them to even if it wasn’t what you wanted. You just need to push through and remind yourself that everything is going to work out.

Learning this lesson in September forced me to just roll with the punches despite things not being perfect. I told myself at the beginning of this year that I wanted to throw an early 2000s party and I was able to! Although the day I hosted it there was a major flood on the day that I threw the party, I still had an amazing time and enjoyed the people that came! I think I might be in my hosting era so stay tuned on what’s to come!

Work Update: Still Figuring It Out

I had mentioned back in June, that I’m no longer working at my last job. While I’m happy to no longer be working there, the job hunt has been really taxing. The job market has been so competitive and it has had its fair share of ups and downs. Figuring out what’s next for me has been such a major source of anxiety; not because I don’t think I’m going to get a job, but because this is the first time in my life that I’m unsure of what’s next. When I ended September I remember feeling like “Wow I’m just as lost as I was at the beginning of September” but I’ve chosen to embrace it and still keep pushing on. I do feel confident saying that by this time next month, I’ll know exactly what I’m doing. So stay tuned!

Business Update: Notion Templates!!

I’m so excited to say that I’ve revamped my Notion templates!! This was one of the biggest things I wanted to accomplish this summer and I’m so excited that I finally got it done! I plan on releasing a new template every month but I invite you to take a look and level up your productivity using my templates!

Additionally, my long-standing contract that I had with a social media agency ended. While I loved the time that I got to work with them, I’m excited to be able to focus on growing my business and seeing how things evolve without any distractions. I truly believe this is the start of something new for me and I’m excited to see how it unfolds.


Right now, I’m writing this blog post on the train heading to a friend’s birthday dinner. I’m learning to try and mix fun and work and hope it doesn’t always look ideal, I’m embracing it and keeping it moving. I’m not sure what October is about to be like but I’m facing it head-on.

Hi, I’m Ademusoyo!

Productivity Strategist and Notion Consultant ready to help ambitious, multi-faceted women get more time, energy and life out of each day.

Let’s work together!

You’re allowed to have ease while you’re on your grind. I’m here to help you have that.

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