a blog cover image for the blog post how to solo travel as a woman where ademusoyo is shown smiling happily while traveling solo behind a river backdrop with tall buildings

How To Solo Travel as a Woman

by | Sep 9, 2020 | 0 comments

A couple of years ago, I went on a solo trip to Iceland by myself and it was amazing! I learned so much about myself and truly enjoyed the most amazing and beautiful views. If you’re thinking about planning solo travel soon, here are some tips on staying safe and enjoying yourself!

Do Your Research For Your Solo Trip

Pick a city that is easy to navigate by yourself. Is the city walkable? Is public transportation accessible? Can you Uber? If you can navigate an area by yourself, you’re less likely to come across as being vulnerable or strangers coming up to you for help. Plus it makes solo travel all that much more fun!

Plan Your Solo Travel Itinerary and Book Activities in Advance

If you’re more of a go-with-a-flow type of traveler, consider booking activities in advance so you have a schedule. It can be hard sometimes to find the motivation when you’re by yourself to get up and get active but if you have activities scheduled in advance, you’ll be sure to get up and moving.

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Stay in a Place Where You Can Meet Tons of People on Your Journey

I stayed in a hostel when I solo traveled to Iceland and I honestly loved it! You meet people from all over and it’s very noncommittal in the sense that you can do your own thing or you can decide to hang out with them while you’re there. If you’re not into the hostel life, there are tons of hotels that have that same sort of feel in their lobbies.

Go At Your Own Pace

If you’re someone who doesn’t like to pack a bunch of things in one day then don’t do that on vacation! Listen to your body and if you’re feeling tired, don’t overextend yourself! Just go with the flow.

How To Solo Travel as a Woman, solo female travel tips, solo travel for introverts, solo travel for beginners, travel alone as a woman, solo trip as a woman

Download Google Maps Offline

Depending on your phone plan, you may not have international roaming but downloading offline maps can be a lifesaver! Downloading google maps will allow you to have directions offline while you explore the city!

Put Yourself Out There

You’re going to probably meet people who are also traveling alone! Don’t be afraid to talk to new people, get dinner or go out with them, just go with the flow if it feels right and comfortable for you!

If you’re wondering what you can do when you plan on visiting a new city, check out this blog post.

Hi, I’m Ademusoyo!

Productivity Strategist and Notion Consultant ready to help ambitious, multi-faceted women get more time, energy and life out of each day.

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You’re allowed to have ease while you’re on your grind. I’m here to help you have that.

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