business tools to save time and money, must-have apps and softwares for small business owners

How To Save Time And Money As A Business Owner

by | Oct 27, 2021 | 0 comments

Managing your time and money as a small business owner can seem like a tedious and time-consuming process in itself. Small businesses frequently feel the need to hire outside experts to help them manage their finances and organize their time, but this needn’t be the case. Taking the time to invest in learning how to use new tools can ultimately save you time and money. Here are some of my favorite business tools.

Quickbooks – an all-in-one affordable cloud accounting software that saves you immense time.

For small businesses, Quickbooks is a fantastic option if you’re searching for a powerful all-in-one platform for your accounting needs. Easily accessible from many devices, this tool is designed for quick and precise accounting and reporting which would save you a ton of time. You can send custom-made invoices, set up payment reminders, as well as automating your entire financial management system. With Quickbooks, you can easily set up payrolls for your team, and manage and calculate existing tax returns. Further, you can look at your banking transactions so that you can quickly track your expenses and deposits.

Dubsado – a powerful Client Relations Manager that helps you automate your business processes.

Dubsado is a great software for streamlining your entire client relationship management process. This tool enables you to send and manage contracts and bills, automating your onboarding and offboarding procedures. Therefore saving you endless hours of chasing down unpaid invoices. With the help of this tool, you can also incorporate lead capture forms into the pages of your website. This gives you access to all of the contact information of potential customers even before you meet them.

Notion – is an organizational gem that helps you add structure to your workspace and personal life.

Notion is a personal favorite of mine! It’s an all-in-one software that helps you get super organized. Notion can be tailor-made specifically to your needs. With Notion, you can take meeting notes, create to-do lists, organize your team, build workflows, and more. A ton of Notion templates are also available online, which you can use to manage your tasks and stay organized. Notion can also be integrated with multiple business tools to form an effective and streamlined system. Want to find out Notion’s features and capabilities? Read my post about Notion API here.

Slack – a business tool that acts as a communication hub for you and your team.

Slack is a communication powerhouse. You can set up separate channels for communication with team members who are engaged in different projects as well as a channel that enables you to communicate with everyone at once. This helps in task management and serves as a useful means of keeping in touch with team members engaged in a project. My team and I can collaborate and check in with others asynchronously thanks to this tool. This is definitely part of my must-have business tools for small businesses!

Loom – a video-sharing platform that helps you add a more personalized touch across your communications.

Loom is a great video-sharing software. It provides an efficient means of asynchronous communication, especially for people who are more visual. It’s also a great way to personally connect with your team and clients and can be used from anywhere. Loom also provides transcripts of your video content that can be easily repurposed.

Airtable – a Project Management Software business tool to help you and your team remain productive.

Airtable is another project management software that enables your team to collaborate through one single database. It helps you leverage productivity and therefore save time through building systems and workflows. This tool’s ability to be customized to fit the needs of your team and how you work is a vital feature. Moreover, it provides a number of views that may be used to manage projects, keep track of deadlines, and stay on top of processes without requiring extensive automation or connectivity with other business tools.

Choosing the right software for you and your team will not only help you save immense time but also money. Systemizing your processes within your business will also help increase productivity and efficiency throughout!

Hi, I’m Ademusoyo!

Productivity Strategist and Notion Consultant ready to help ambitious, multi-faceted women get more time, energy and life out of each day.

Let’s work together!

You’re allowed to have ease while you’re on your grind. I’m here to help you have that.

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